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How Does FIT Bodywrap® Work?

Results backed by years of clinical research

The FIT Bodywrap® produces far infrared heat (FIR), which is actually light that we can’t see but can feel as heat. All warm-blooded animals, including humans, generate this type of heat naturally to warm themselves, and more than half of the sun’s heat is infrared as well.

Infrared heat warms us without warming the air around us (don’t you feel warmer when the sun comes out from behind the clouds?) and penetrates our bodies, rather than only heating the skin. The FIT Bodywrap generates infrared heat in the 5-15 micron wavelength, the same wavelength as the sun and our bodies produce, so it is safe and natural.

During a FIT Bodywrap session, far infrared heat is generated very close to the body and can penetrate 1-2 inches, heating areas where fats and toxins have been stored without generating uncomfortable heat on the surface of the skin. As many fats and toxins are soluble at temperatures of just over 100 degrees, these fats, and toxins, including cholesterol, heavy metals, and acids, can be dissolved and excreted through our sweat or kidneys.

Heating the body can activate over 2 million sweat glands as the body seeks to cool itself. Extensive sweating can be very energy intensive, increasing metabolic rates, blood flow, tissue oxygenation and burning calories as you sweat and for some time afterward. In recent clinical research, approximately 15% of the sweat was composed of these undesirable fats and toxins in an infrared session, compared to 3-5% with normal exercise.

The caloric consumption can be further enhanced with the use of FIT Booster Spray, which also enhances microcirculation, stimulates skin detoxification and reduces cellulite.

The FIT Bodywrap can uniquely target this heat to specific areas, controlled to the specific degree, or immerse the entire body in evenly applied far infrared heat. Depending on the areas targeted, temperatures applied, and session duration and frequency, a variety of benefits can be derived.

Weight Loss

Most people will produce substantial amounts of sweat during a 50 minute FIT Bodywrap weight loss session. While there can be a short-term loss of weight due to this sweating, most of this weight is immediately regained with re-hydration. But the fats and toxins in the sweat, as much as 15% of the sweat content, are not replaced.

Clinical research has also established that sweating is an energy-intensive process. Extensive sweating can speed up the metabolism, resulting in dramatically increased caloric consumption. Simply put, sweating burns calories, often at very high rates. The metabolism can remain elevated for several hours after a session. So a FIT Bodywrap session can burn calories both during a session and for some time afterward.

Repeated FIT Bodywrap sessions can result in weight loss through the combination of burning calories and remove fats and toxins.


As mentioned above, the sweat produced in a FIT Bodywrap session can consist of about 85% water. Compare this to the water content of sweat produced by normal exercise or non-infrared sauna, which is often about 95% water. The difference can be attributed to the fat and toxins that were dissolved through the application of infrared heat and excreted as part of the sweat. FIT Bodywrap’s infrared heat therapy can be effective in removing fats, cholesterol, ammonia, sulfuric acid, nicotine, alcohol, mercury, and aluminum. These can be dissolved and removed through sweating and also through normal bodily elimination.

Pain relief

Many of us have used a heating pad to soothe pain and heat have been well documented in the treatment of pain relief. The FIT Bodywrap’s penetrating infrared heat can result in immediate therapeutic benefit through increased blood flow and tissue oxygenation and may also act directly on irritated nerve endings. Clinical research has established that an infrared treatment such as a FIT Bodywrap session can increase blood flow from 5-7 quarts/minute to as much as 13 quarts/minute. A 2008 study found that chronic pain patients experienced a 70% reduction in pain levels after the first infrared therapy session.

Other Benefits

Recent clinical observations and studies have produced a large body of observations on the potential beneficial effects of infrared therapy in a broad range of disorders as well as promoting well-being, including:

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Blood pressure

  • Anti-aging effects on the skin and other tissues

  • Cardiovascular health

  • Acute and chronic soft tissue injuries and repair


9 Misconceptions About Infrared Body Wraps



Rumor has it that all infrared body wraps produce the same results and the main benefit is weight loss, you just lose some water weight and become dehydrated in the process...right?! Well, not exactly.

While speaking with business owners, consumers and industry experts we have heard your questions and have put together this list of misconceptions to provide some true information on infrared and it’s many benefits. So, let’s clear up some of the gossips you may have seen while browsing the web.  


1. Are they are all the same?

Throughout the past decade, several companies have tried their hand at creating an infrared body wrap. There are two types of wraps, wraps that are meant for home use and wraps that are commercial grade. Some of these wraps cover the entire body, some only treat specific areas and some wraps that claim to be commercial grade may not be. Engineering, materials used and safety components have a lot to do with what makes an effective infrared body wrap and the quality and functionality of the wrap will set it apart from others.

2. Is it true that only water weight is lost?

About 65% of the human body is made up of water. During an infrared session, the body’s core temperature is raised, which stimulates sweat production and allows the body to release toxins, fats through the sweat glands. Hydration is incredibly important because we need water not only to survive but also to produce sweat. Getting your glisten on while sweating at the gym or on a run is also important but the key to a successful infrared session is, well, the infrared. By penetrating approximately 1.5 inches into the body infrared can promote the release of toxins, fats, and cholesterol that will not be replaced when you rehydrate. During an infrared session the body can release up to 20% fats and toxins, this is in comparison to about 3-5% released during traditional exercise. And this is one of the major differences between infrared wraps and traditional wraps. Infrared can provide results for clients that other wraps cannot.

3. Will they cause dehydration?

Picking up where we left off in misconception number two if the body is not properly hydrated it's possible that sweat will not be produced. And yes, the process of sweating is removing water from the body but an infrared wrap will not dehydrate you any more than an intense workout because let’s face it, any sweat-inducing activity will require H20 to replenish the body! This is why consuming water before, during and after each session is necessary. It is recommended to drink more water than you might normally drink to see optimal results if a session is executed correctly the client will have consumed more water than usual and this will allow them to sweat without feeling parched. Keep in mind, it’s important to continue hydrating after each session as the body continues to flush metabolized fats and toxins.

4. Infrared is not natural 

We experience infrared each day, 54% of the suns output is infrared and all warm-blooded animals, including humans, emit it. Done and done!

5.What about safety?

Body treatments should be safe, effective and enjoyable. Infrared heat itself is safe, it is even used in the NICU for premature babies. We cannot speak for each and every infrared body wrap out there when it comes to safety features but this is why it’s important to do your research! The materials, sensors, and temperatures generated by the FIT Bodywrap System have been rigorously tested to ensure safe use. That being said, body wrap equipment is a wear and tear item and will need to be replaced periodically to provide the expected results. Think light bulbs or tires on your car, you wouldn’t drive a car with bald tires, right? Make certain you stay on top of replacements and you’ll be good to go.

 6. Aren't wraps exactly like a sauna?

Infrared saunas and infrared body wraps can absolutely live in the same space in your business. Although both services utilize the power of infrared heat they are different. A sauna session usually lasts 20 minutes or less as the participant cannot withstand a longer session. Additionally, the infrared waves need to pass through the entirety of the sauna to reach the client's body. An infrared body wrap session typically lasts about one hour as the participant is able to relax and breathe room temperature air. Many of the benefits are often seen within the last half hour of the session because it takes the body a bit of time to raise its temperature and begin sweating. Additionally, during a body wrap session, the infrared is a lot closer to the body. Therefore, this enables an infrared body wrap to be significantly more effective than infrared saunas.

 7. Is it possible for benefits to be noticed right away?

This one’s a little tricky, infrared can assist with many wellness benefits and it is true that it may take multiple sessions to see desired weight loss results. However, benefits such as pain relief and detoxification can be noticed after one session. It’s important to note that everybody is different, although some may share similar results, each infrared session is a truly unique experience. Why? Because we are all unique! Additionally, the condition of our bodies can vary day by day and more sweat may be produced during one session than another. For example, you and your workout buddy may see different results while doing the same workouts but it doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong!

 8. Does participation in body wrap sessions mean you don’t have to workout or eat healthy meals?

The magical cure?! While this would be fantastic it’s simply not true. Achieving weight loss and fitness goals is a lifestyle and we encourage healthy eating, some kind of workout regimen and participating in infrared sessions to see weight loss results. Now, this is not to say that infrared body wraps cannot help with weight loss, they absolutely can and we hear success stories daily! A one-hour infrared session can simulate a cardio workout and all we are saying here is that it may take some time to shed those unwanted pounds. It can be challenging to give an exact number of calories burned or inches lost during a session but, sweating does consume calories and an infrared body wrap session can induce 3-5 times more sweat than exercise alone will produce. Read more here!

 9. Sweating has no real health benefits

Sweating it out it is a necessary bodily function. The production of sweat is known for detoxifying, protecting the body from overheating, strengthening the immune system by opening up the pores to purge the body of toxins that can cause pimples, eczema, and rashes. According to the Center for Disease Control, the root cause of more than 80% of all illnesses can be found in a person’s environment or lifestyle. Blocked sweat glands can be a medical concern, some doctors believe it may be caused by hormones or the immune system. Detoxifying through sweat can improve toxicity levels and may be just what the doctor ordered.


Now that's a wrap! Infrared can assist with many wellness benefits and people all over the world are experiencing pain relief, detoxification, weight loss & cellulite reduction, skin rejuvenation and relaxation, to name a few! Let us know if you have questions about infrared body wraps that we didn’t answer here, we’re always happy to help.





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